Science Fiction Book Club

Usurpation (Semiosis Book 3)

Sue Burke


Stevland, the dominant sentient lifeform of Pax, has clandestinely sent some of its progeny to Earth. To explore, to spread, to report back.

Since their germination, Earth has been a powder keg. Human rebellion, robot uprisings, and global pandemics have created chaos, distrust, and deaths.

As more and more conflicts break out across Earth, Stevland's children work in the background, in an attempt to control human behavior and perhaps, bring peace to the planet. Stevland took control of Pax. Earth shouldn't be too difficult...


Sue Burke grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, lived briefly in Austin, Texas, y'all, and moved to Madrid, Spain, in December 1999. In 2016, she moved back to Chicago.

By then, she'd become a certified translator, Spanish into English, and had come to know the science fiction community in Spain and its many extraordinary authors. She won the 2016 Alicia Gordon Award for Word Artistry in Translation from the American Translators Association.

She has worked for fifty years as a professional writer, initially in journalism, both as a reporter and editor. She also writes poetry, essays, translations, and fiction, especially science fiction.

Her perfect day would consist of writing, reading, translating, editing, and cooking. And maybe a walk along Lake Michigan.

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