Teen Book Club


Avione Lee


Min Wickford has never ridden in a flying ferry boat, had a tornado clean his room, or gotten in mounds of trouble by a mischievous weasel, because Min is the kind of kid who always does what he is told and never gets into trouble. Until one day when he plays a musical pipe and his entire school falls to the ground, like their souls were snatched from their bodies.

With one note, the secret his uncle kept from him for years is out, and Min is quickly swept into the quirky and colorful hidden world of Pipers, persons who can turn melody into magic.

But Min soon learns he is different, even among Pipers, because he is a Pied Piper, the kind of Piper that's vilified and targeted in the Piper world. His best chance of blending in is acceptance into an exclusive Piper Association where all members are protected from harm.

Forced to hide his Pied identity while mastering his new powers, Min must pass a series of magical, musical trials. But what he is hiding just might be the very thing he needs to succeed.


Avione Lee was born and raised in Texas, as indicated by her excessive use of the word y'all. As a kid, she loved reading Sunday comics (a very, very extremely short graphic novel you got weekly); as an adult, she loves reading almost anything. You can find her with a good book.

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