FROM THE BOOK JACKET: Special Agent Alex Martel is thrown back into a deadly world of deception when a series of attacks threaten to incite World War III in this action-packed thriller.

While sailing across the Mediterranean, the megayacht Aurora is rocked with explosions, taken under siege by unknown assailants. On board are some of Europe's wealthiest and most powerful political players, including the secretary general of Interpol, a high-ranking Finnish diplomat, and Special Agent Alex Martel--whose lethal sniper skills kick in to bring them safely to shore.

Someone is waging a ruthless campaign of attacks against Finland, one of NATO's newest members, in an attempt to throw the Alliance into turmoil. Teaming back up with CIA agent Caleb, Alex is thrust into the middle of the fray, pursuing the villains from the waters off of Monaco to the Baltic Sea and home to American soil.

As the US is pulled deeper into the conflict, a global catastrophe seems inevitable. But who is really responsible for these escalating attacks on Finland? The Russians, or someone much closer to home? As new allies surface and old enemies reappear, Alex has no way of knowing who to trust--and she might only have one last shot to keep the world from going to war.

Steve UrszenyiABOUT THE AUTHOR: Steve Urszenyi was a paramedic in Toronto and a tactical medic with the Ontario Provincial Police, where he was a specialist in SWAT, CBRNE, HUSAR, and public order operations. Steve is also the former commander of the Province of Ontario's disaster medical response and all-hazards emergency management team, EMAT, and is a recipient of the Governor General of Canada EMS Exemplary Service Medal and Bar in recognition of his distinguished service. Steve loves touring on his Harley-Davidson motorcycle with his wife, Lynne. They live in Toronto and have two grown children.

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